Service and repairs for all high speed camera types
High-speed camera systems are a costly investment. So ensuring these investments continue to provide images in return for this investment, it is important to find a reliable and knowledgeable partner to quickly repair and return a camera back into service. Specialised Imaging is a new innovative company, founded by experts with many years experience in the design, manufacture and maintenance of ultra fast camera systems for the world’s leading manufacturer. It is our mission to design and develop innovative high-speed digital imaging systems but at the same time provide a repair service that will include cameras from other manufacturers.
These can include single or multiple image cameras with or without intensifiers. We can also extend this service to older analogue cameras of which there are still many in use.
Rapid changes in the electronics field can sometimes make it difficult to source replacement parts for older cameras. If this situation arises we are in a position to upgrade the existing unit but still retain much of the original camera so keeping costs to a minimum. This strategy has resulted from the modular configuration of the cameras that we produce allowing the latest components to be readily integrated into older designs.