The need for proof drives innovation

The need to prove California governor Leland Stanford’s theory that all four of a horse’s legs leave the ground in gallop, and settle an argument led to one of the first practical applications of high-speed photography. In 1879 Eadweard James Muybridge successfully used a system of 24 separate cameras triggered by trip threads to capture the now famous photographic sequence of images of a horse galloping, which clearly shows the all four feet leaving the ground.

Specialised Imaging is proud to continue Muybridge’s legacy by capturing events too quick for the human eye to perceive and helping our clients to prove their theories. Technology has advanced to the point that the same event captured by Muybridge can now be captured on a mobile phone at 30fps (see below). Similarly, cameras from Specialised Imaging can capture movement at rates up to 1 billion fps. Like Muybridge, Specialised Imaging is open to the challenge of designing image capturing solutions to prove theories and better understand high speed and ultra high-speed events. Who knows where this will take us in the future.

Read more here:
Dissecting Time…A Review of Ultra High-Speed Imaging Techniques